Latest Episodes

Who Will God Have in Heaven? - ATBQ2112
Are you curious about who gets into heaven and why? Can we conquer our own sinful nature? And how does the new covenant play...

Who Will Win the War Between Good and Evil? - ATBQ2111
Are you curious about the timeless battle between good and evil, and who will ultimately triumph? Ever wondered how a simple act in a...

Is There Some Purpose to the Universe? - ATBQ2110
Is our universe a product of random chance or divine design? Can we discover the ultimate purpose behind life and existence? Join Dr Sonter...

Where Did We Come From and Where are We Going? - ATBQ2109
Where did humanity truly originate, and what does science reveal about our existence? Is there a path leading to a brighter, eternal future? Explore...

Is One Religion Better Than Another? - ATBQ2108
Are all religions equal? Is one Christian denomination better than another? This episode reveals the origins of denominations and the secrets behind their unique...

What and Where is Hell? - ATBQ2107
Is hell an eternal pit of fire, or does the Bible reveal a different reality? Uncover the deception of fear-driven beliefs and explore the...